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Bridge over a City

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36


Hello, my name is Mareko, I'm so grateful to God for family, opportunity and blessings in my life. 

This brand started with 3 t shirts, $90 in my pocket, and an idea I got back in July 2022.


The Series decider for Rugby League State of Origin was about to kick off in a few days. Everywhere you looked, people were doubting if QLD could make it over the line against a NSW superstar team.


I was coming to the end of my long shift, as a courier driver, tired and beat, like the Qld side were looking, LOL^^

Then my brain said to my mouth  – END STRONG – Which to me in that moment meant: Don’t take the foot off the

gas - finish on a high!!

Those words rang true to other aspects in my life and also, those closest to me. I decided I would throw it on a T shirt and see if it sticks. QLD won that year by the way :)


So a few weeks later the youth crime epidemic catches up with me and my delivery van is stolen. I eventually find my van, and it’s a write off. Insurance didn’t cover. Health restrictions stopped me from getting work straight away, but it was a blessing in disguise. I was able to actually start my brand idea. I used the $90 savings I had, to source designed transfer paper. I used 3 T shirts in the garage to start the journey, and the rest is history.  


The brand name End Strong has a far reaching, multifunctional and diverse message.


For the sports enthusiast - it’s the

“Leave nothing in the tank” mentality.

For the person of faith - it’s the

“Hope” for the future.  

For those 9-5 people - it’s the

“end of the week” down time.    

For the guy that stole my van, it’s the “police car” that’s looking for you, lol kidding. But yeah nah wait till I get my hands on you, u gonna get it!! Actually  I do forgive him, no harm done, cause without him I wouldn’t be selling t shirts.


Anyway back to the story… I’m of Samoan decent, and quite a few of my designs incorporate Polynesian undertones and values. The small business runs from my garage and when my little kids aren’t hanging off me, I’m 24/7 trying to improve my entrepreneurship journey.


I may commit to a social media platform in 2025, but for right now this is my website, Welcome welcome.  If you have any words for me or need prayer requests send them through, otherwise Thanks for visiting and God Bless your week ahead. Tofā soifua.

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